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Fondu and Clay Firebacks
Cement and Clay Firebacks
- Material: Made from heat-resistant refractory cement or Clay, often reinforced with fibers for added strength.
- Durability: Highly durable and capable of withstanding extreme temperatures.
- Design: Typically comes in smooth, uniform finishes, though some may feature textured... Read More
Cement and Clay Firebacks
- Material: Made from heat-resistant refractory cement or Clay, often reinforced with fibers for added strength.
- Durability: Highly durable and capable of withstanding extreme temperatures.
- Design: Typically comes in smooth, uniform finishes, though some may feature textured patterns, or rib's
- Heat Reflection: Cement firebacks are efficient at reflecting heat back into the room, improving overall energy efficiency, Clay fireback preform the same function but would have a longer life span if tempered in correctly, (Note: Clay fireback may note have perfectly straight sides as they are some times hand made.)
vendor-unknown16" Fondu Cement Fireback (Medium Grade)
Spratt Fireplaces18" Fondu Cement Fireback (Medium Grade) Fits Standard 18" fireplace openings
16" Clay Fireback
Spratt Fireplaces16" Re-Factory Clay Fireback  Fits Standard 16" Fireplace openings
Spratt Fireplaces18" Re-Factory Clay Fireback  Fits Standard 18" Fireplace openings
20" Fondu Fireback
Spratt Fireplaces20" Fondu Fireback Designed to fit standard 20" fireplace openings
22" Fondu Cement Fireback
Spratt Fireplaces22" Fondu Cement Fireback Designed to fit standard 22" fireplace openings
16" Fondu Split Fireback
Timber and Tile16" Fondu Split Fireback Easier Installation Reduced Weight per Section: Split panels are lighter and easier to handle than a single, large fireb...
View full details18" Fondu Split Fireback
Timber and Tile18" Fondu Split Fireback Easier Installation Reduced Weight per Section: Split panels are lighter and easier to handle than a single, large fireb...
View full detailsBaxi 4 piece fireback
Spratt FireplacesComplete replacement Baxi Clay Fireback Fits: 16 & 18" Fires 
Baxi Bottom Back Tile 16-18"
BaxiReplacement Baxi Clay Bottom Fireback Tile Fits: 16 & 18" Fires 
Baxi Top Back Tile 16-18"
BaxiReplacement Baxi Clay Top Fireback Fits: 16 & 18" Fires 
Baxi Bottom Back Tile 20-24"
BaxiReplacement Baxi Clay Bottom Fireback Tile Fits: 20-24" Fires 
Baxi Top Back Tile 20-24"
BaxiReplacement Baxi Clay Top Tile Fits: 20-24" Fires 
Baxi Side Tiles (Pair) 16-24"
BaxiReplacement Baxi Clay Top Tile Fits: 20-24" Fires 
Spratt FireplacesReplacement side Fondu Cement side tiles, Suitable for Billyberry domestic back-boilers Can be cut to size.