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We are the One Stop Shop

Some times we fell our name does not do us justice, Spratt Fireplaces and Stove Centre screams what we do and have done for 36 years but a lot has changed in that time. It all started with the manufacturing of Marble and Wooden fireplaces all that time ago. The mass market and importing of products did but a stop to that for period, but we never wanted to lose that thing that feeling that making something from scratch and seeing the joy our clients on installation day. Although we don't manufacture many Wooden fireplaces anymore, Our Wood shop has just evolve to cabinetry making and custom Feature walls. We have become know nationwide for our bespoke feature walls and bespoke fire installs.

What we do.

Our factory consist of a Wood Shop, Metal fabrication Shop and Stone Fabrication Shop, We are constantly investing in our machinery ensure we can provide the highest quality of workmanship and strict deadlines.

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